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SNOWSTARS - Parent Information - NEW 2024!


Our goal is still the same: providing Snow Stars athletes with a safe and fun learning environment.


Hours: Each session will START at NOON and END at 3:30PM


Please, arrive 10-15min before noon. We want to be at the chairlift at noon, not collecting athletes.


First Session: DECEMBER 21, 2024


IMPORTANT! We ask that athletes arrive at the hill having had lunch. There will be no long lunch breaks, but rather short snack ones. Our goal is to provide a full 3h30 session of skiing with bathroom, snack and warm up breaks.


Note, Snow Stars parents and athletes will NOT have full access to the clubhouse prior the session for dressing-up, only during break times with coaches and volunteer parents


Once you are at the hill:


  • Athletes need to be Signed-In upon arrival and pick-up the bibs, your athlete's coach will be outside the clubhouse to help

  • Plastic bins dedicated to each group will be available if you need to leave a backpack at the hill. Please, make sure that you place your child backpack at His/her group bin. Coaches will bring the bins inside before the start of the session and will have access to it during breaks. After the session, bins will be placed outside.

  • If you are late, please stay with your child by the chairlift until your coach is there

  • Coaches will stop for a snack/warm-up break if needed and where space is available. It could be either club house, main lodge or warm-up huts

  • Sessions end at 3:30, please be at the hill by that time. Call or email if you're making arrangements with another parent to pick up your Snowstar.

  • Parents of older children who are comfortable with them doing an extra run or two on their own after the session, please discuss this with the coach, otherwise we CANNOT send them off on their own until you arrive.


ASAY's goal is to provide a minimum of 8 sessions over the winter season, but will have full 10 week season if possible



  • there are a number of kids in the program with allergies to Tree Nuts and Peanuts, therefore we are Tree Nuts Free environment.

  • Please, pack up something easy and quick to eat.

  • No assembly sandwiches, soups, etc.

  • Hot chocolate to warm them up and snacks are great and easy.


Parent Involvement:

**Important** As in all previous years, we could not stress enough that having an extra adult on hand to be the tail gunner, help with chairlift loading and unloading and for on snow safety is essential!


Each Snowstar Parent is REQUIRED to volunteer at least during 2 sessions/per kid. If you have siblings in the program, then it increases (2 kids = 4 sessions of volunteering). If you don’t have season pass, we might be able to provide lift ticket.


Coaches cannot ski with the group if there is no designated parent that helps with various situations, such as loading on and getting off the chairlift, assisting on snow, helping during breaks




Cold Weather:

  • Snow Star training sessions will be automatically cancelled on Saturdays when the temperature at Mount Sima is -20 and colder, as determined by the Mount Sima Summit Weather Station. Note, we do not look at temperature in Whitehorse, but rely on this source

  • However below -15 coaches will look at the forecast and conditions at the hill and decide that morning whether to cancel or not.

  • You will receive a short email before each session from me, Snowstar Coordinator. If the weather is questioned (too cold), an email will be sent to parents that morning at around 10am to confirm if the day's session is a go or not.



  • Helmets are mandatory (approved skiing-specific type).

  • Goggles are mandatory - make sure they are good quality and don’t fog up.

  • Bindings should be set up and adjusted for your child's height/weight/boot size by a certified ski technician, especially important if you're using second-hand gear or gear from last year. Make sure it fits!

  • If skis are sharpened and waxed regularly, kids will learn more quickly and be happier. There are number of shops that do tune-ups, such as Yukon Ski, Icycle, Sports Experts

  • Boots should be dried thoroughly with liners removed between sessions!

  • Poles! Your child may just be transitioning to poles, but they will need them on day 1 of snowstars.


  • Good quality mitts, NOT gloves. Try to send an extra pair of mitts and hand-warmers if it seems necessary. Having wool insert or fur pads in the mitt, are great options too.

  • Dress in layers, pack an extra sweater.

  • Warm Socks. Wool socks are your best option, however make sure they're not too bulky, as that can cause comfort/circulation problems, which can cause cold feet. Please, no cotton socks, no double/triple socks, absolutely no wet socks!

  •  Boot Gloves. They proved themselves very useful over the years with many hill users. They do make HUGE difference for feet, especially in cold, temps. They can be found in few stores around Whitehorse and also online

  • Balaclava and face mask or neck warmer, (bringing a second neck warmer is a great idea). Please try them on and make sure that they will fit under the helmet.

  •  Warmers for hands. If you are putting warmers inside the boots, make sure they don’t wrinkle. It really hurts when warmers create pressure points in the boots.



  • Meribeth Deen, your Snow Stars coordinator and coach for the season 

  • Individual coaches will share contact info when the groups are solidified (which should happen by the third session, latest!)

  • General email for Snowstars:    


Don't forget to join and check out our Facebook group for updates!







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